Kristin Case July 27, 2017 Blog 1
Despite President Trump’s repeated campaign promises to protect LGBTQ employees he is doing the exact opposite.
I’ve tried to keep on open mind about this presidency. I really have. When President Trump promised during his campaign that he was going to protect LGBTQ people, I thought there was a *small* chance he might actually keep that promise. Yet he has …
Becca Nesslar July 7, 2017 Blog, Sexual Orientation Discrimination 0
The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals is positioned to join the 7th Circuit in deciding that Title VII prohibits sexual orientation discrimination at work.
In April of this year, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals here in Chicago made history when it decided that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits sexual orientation discrimination. See Kristin’s post to read more about …
Kristin Case April 11, 2017 Employee Rights, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Uncategorized 0
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals hands down a seminal ruling holding that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects LGBT employees from workplace discrimination.
I have long bemoaned the fact that federal law does not protect LGBT employees from discrimination. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act outlaws discrimination based on “sex” but courts have always interpreted that to refer …
Kate Sedey March 7, 2016 Blog, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Workplace Discrimination 0
Argues Sexual Orientation Discrimination Prohibited by Title VII
Last week, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) took a big step forward in protecting employees from sexual orientation discrimination and harassment in the workplace. In U.S. EEOC v. Scott Medical Health Center, P.C. and U.S. EEOC v. IFCO Systems North America, two cases filed last week in Pennsylvania and Maryland respectively, the …
Kate Hillegass October 6, 2014 Firm News, Firm Victories, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Workplace Discrimination 0
Kate Sedey was a contributor to Bloomberg BNA’s new treatise called “Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace: A Practical Guide” This was made available for purchase October of 2014!
Kate Sedey November 7, 2013 Blog, Legislative Advocacy, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Workplace Discrimination 0
Debate Ended on Employment Non-Discrimination Act; Time for a Vote!
On Monday, the U.S. Senate voted 61-30 to end debate on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (a bill which would prohibit workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity) and bring it up for a vote. The full Senate is expected to consider the bill today for the first time since …
Kate Sedey November 5, 2013 Blog, Legislative Advocacy 0
A Step in the Right Direction for Marriage Equality
With the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act passing the Illinois house today, Illinois is one step closer to marriage equality! The House has been the biggest hurdle in the campaign for equal rights and now all that remains is for the Senate to agree with the House’s version of the bill …
Kate Sedey July 10, 2013 Blog, Legislative Advocacy, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Workplace Discrimination 0
Show Your Support for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act!
I just wanted to drop a quick line to say how excited we are that ENDA has been passed out of committee by an overwhelming majority (15 to 7, including at least two Republican supporters). ENDA is short-hand for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act which aims to make discrimination on the basis of LGBT status unlawful.
Now …
Kendra Kutko July 1, 2013 Blog, Disability Benefits, FMLA and ERISA, Employment Law 0
Supreme Court Strikes Down Defense of Marriage Act:Implications for Gay Spouses under the Family Medical Leave Act
Last Wednesday, June 26, 2013, in the landmark 5-4 decision of United States v. Windsor, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”) as unconstitutional. Signed into law in September 1996, DOMA defined marriage as …
Kristin Case April 8, 2010 Blog, Legislative Advocacy, Sexual Orientation Discrimination 0
Tell your U.S. representative to help pass ENDA now!
Imagine getting fired. Not because you aren’t good at your job. Not because you show up late or slack off.
Imagine getting fired solely because you’re lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. In most states that is fully legal.
We are pushing for a vote on the bill that would end this injustice soon after …