Kate Sedey
December 8, 2012
Employee Pay and Compensation, Firm Victories, Unpaid Wages, Earned Bonuses and other Compensation
In a case of first impression, obtained favorable decision for Plaintiff regarding retroactivity of statutory 2% interest penalty to Plaintiff’s jury award
Kate Sedey
December 7, 2012
Employee Pay and Compensation, Firm Victories
The Case Law Firm recently won an important victory regarding the retroactive application of amendments to an Illinois state statute. In Brandl v. Superior Air Ground Ambulance Services, Inc., Case No. 09-CV-06019, a jury awarded our client payment for hours of accrued vacation time for which the Defendant had refused to pay at the time of her termination in violation …
Kate Sedey
October 28, 2011
Blog, Workplace Discrimination
Plaintiffs in Unsuccessful Class Action Pursue Individual Claims
After seeing their nation-wide gender discrimination class action dismissed by the Supreme Court of the United States, the Wal-Mart Plaintiffs did not just throw up their hands and concede defeat. Instead, they’ve decided that if the highest court will not allow them to proceed as one large nation-wide class, that they will simply have to enforce their …
Kate Sedey
October 5, 2011
Blog, Executive Counseling, Independent Contractors
Voluntary Classification Settlement Program Aims to Resolve Employee Misclassification as Independent Contractors
The IRS has recently implemented a program called the “Voluntary Classification Settlement Program” (“VCSP”). The program allows eligible employers to pay a small sum in order to obtain partial relief from federal employment taxes for previous mis-characterizations of workers as “independent contractors” when such individuals should have received classification …
Kate Sedey
August 25, 2011
Blog, Employment Law, Hiring Practices, Legislative Advocacy
Add Your Voice to the Call to End Unemployment Discrimination in Illinois
As appalling as it may be, a shocking number of employers these days are publishing job listings with the caveat that the unemployed need not apply. This unemployment discrimination is so backwards and plain old wrong that I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it. We are …
Kate Hillegass
June 1, 2011
Firm Victories
Obtained order granting sanctions against Defendant Reliance Relocation Services, Inc. for discovery abuse
Kate Sedey
May 17, 2011
Blog, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Workplace Discrimination
An Inspiring Article about the Struggles of Coming Out at Work
Earlier this week Rick Welts, the former Executive Vice President of the NBA and the current President and Chief Executive of the Phoenix Suns professional basketball team, opened up about his sexuality. After decades of living what the New York Times refers to as a “shadow life,” he felt it was time …
Kate Sedey
March 3, 2011
Blog, Disability Benefits, FMLA and ERISA, Employee Benefits, Legislative Advocacy, Sick Leave
Vote Yes for SB 128 – Healthy Workplace Act – Senator Sandoval
This bill would provide for paid sick leave for Illinois workers.
Requires an employer to provide an employee up to 7 sick days with pay during each 12-month period. Provides that an employee may use the sick days care for physical or mental illness, injury, medical condition, professional medical diagnosis or care, …
Kate Sedey
February 8, 2011
Blog, Employment Law, Workplace Defamation, Libel, Slander and Invasion of Privacy
Unjustified “For Cause” Termination Leads to Significant Jury Award in Workplace Defamation Claim
The Appellate Court for the First District of Illinois recently upheld a jury verdict awarding the plaintiff $2 million dollars in compensatory damages and $6 million dollars in punitive damages for a workplace defamation claim. Leyshon v. Diehl Controls North America, Inc., 2010 WL 5480668 (Ill. App. 1st …
Kate Sedey
January 25, 2011
Blog, Retaliation, Workplace Discrimination
Supreme Court Expands Title VII to Prohibit Third Party Retaliation
Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court ruled that an employee may sue for retaliation where his employer took an adverse action against him in retaliation for his fiancee’s complaint of discrimination. This decision provides much needed protection to the friends, family members, and loved ones of an individual who complains at work …