Kate Sedey
December 11, 2017
Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Uncategorized
As some of you may recall, in April of 2017, the Seventh Circuit issued a HUGELY important decision, ruling that a federal anti-discrimination statute prohibits sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace. If you missed it or want to understand more fully how this decision helped create a workplace sexual orientation circuit split, take a look at our blog post on …
Becca Nesslar
July 7, 2017
Blog, Sexual Orientation Discrimination
The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals is positioned to join the 7th Circuit in deciding that Title VII prohibits sexual orientation discrimination at work.
In April of this year, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals here in Chicago made history when it decided that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits sexual orientation discrimination. See Kristin’s post to read more about …
Kristin Case
April 11, 2017
Employee Rights, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Uncategorized
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals hands down a seminal ruling holding that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects LGBT employees from workplace discrimination.
I have long bemoaned the fact that federal law does not protect LGBT employees from discrimination. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act outlaws discrimination based on “sex” but courts have always interpreted that to refer …
Kristin Case
August 2, 2016
Can you believe in 2016 that it is still legal under federal law to discriminate against someone at work because of their sexual orientation discrimination? Us either.
I have a bulletin Board above my desk. For years now (I can’t remember how many) I’ve had a bumper sticker pinned to it that says, “Pass ENDA now.” ENDA is a bill that …
Kate Hillegass
October 6, 2014
Firm News, Firm Victories, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Workplace Discrimination
Kate Sedey was a contributor to Bloomberg BNA’s new treatise called “Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace: A Practical Guide” This was made available for purchase October of 2014!
Kate Sedey
November 7, 2013
Blog, Legislative Advocacy, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Workplace Discrimination
Debate Ended on Employment Non-Discrimination Act; Time for a Vote!
On Monday, the U.S. Senate voted 61-30 to end debate on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (a bill which would prohibit workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity) and bring it up for a vote. The full Senate is expected to consider the bill today for the first time since …
Kate Sedey
May 17, 2011
Blog, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Workplace Discrimination
An Inspiring Article about the Struggles of Coming Out at Work
Earlier this week Rick Welts, the former Executive Vice President of the NBA and the current President and Chief Executive of the Phoenix Suns professional basketball team, opened up about his sexuality. After decades of living what the New York Times refers to as a “shadow life,” he felt it was time …