Kate Sedey January 31, 2017 Blog, Employee Benefits 0
The annual Open Enrollment period for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) ends TODAY, January 31. This may be your last chance to protect yourself from the possibility of future discrimination by insurers based on preexisting conditions.
There is every reason to believe that the ACA will be repealed or, at a minimum, thoroughly stripped of important protections in …
Kendra Kutko April 13, 2015 Blog, Disability Benefits, FMLA and ERISA 0
Are part time workers’ hours being cut because of ObamaCare?
It has now been five years since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), more commonly known as ObamaCare. The White House celebrated this legislative anniversary by emphasizing how this massive health care reform has propelled major increases in insurance coverage for millions of Americans. On its Twitter feed, the …