Kristin Case
January 24, 2021
Coronavirus, Employee Rights
With the recent rollouts of the first available vaccines, one of the questions we have heard a lot of lately is: Can my employer require me to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Late last month, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) released updated guidance on the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees related to the COVID-19 vaccine. You might remember this …
Kate Sedey
April 20, 2020
To simplify things for employees looking for guidance and answers in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, we’ve put together a COVID-19 resource page on our site. We’ll keep it active on the website as long as the information remains useful, and we will update it regularly to ensure you have access to the most up to date answers and …
Kristin Case
April 13, 2020
Blog, Coronavirus, Uncategorized, Unemployment
An unprecedented number of employees have found themselves needing unemployment benefits during this time of crisis. Many employees we have talked with have been temporarily laid off or “furloughed” but expect to return to work. Others, still, have lost their jobs entirely. The Illinois Department of Employment Security has published a list of Frequently Asked Questions that is helpful in …
Kate Sedey
April 9, 2020
Blog, Coronavirus, Uncategorized
In follow up to our Coronavirus Q&A for Employees from earlier this week, we wanted to tackle some FAQs from healthcare workers that are specific to the medical industry.
Doctors, nurses, techs and other healthcare workers are on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis and the medical industry is the quintessential “essential business” right now. As a result, there are …
Kristin Case
April 7, 2020
We’ve received lots of questions from employees about the coronavirus and their rights under the new Coronavirus Response Act. To say that things are murky right now would be an understatement. It’s no wonder employees are confused. Below are some answers to common questions:
Q: Can my employer force me to come into the workplace?
A: It depends. If you work in …
Kristin Case
March 27, 2020
Employment Law
For those bored at home and needing a little “light” reading, the EEOC has issued Covid-19 guidance for employees and has also updated its 2009 Pandemic in the Workplace Guidance (who knew there was such guidance?) These two pieces basically explain how the EEOC anticipates the Americans with Disabilities Act applying to Covid-19 situations in the workplace and answers some …