Kristin Case
February 21, 2018
Blog, Uncategorized
Manager mistakes account for the majority of employee dissatisfaction yet most managers never consider how their behavior affects their team.
I am not an expert in managing employees. But I do have a unique perspective because employees come to me when they are at their wit’s end with their jobs. We are generally an employee’s last resort. Not all the clients …
Kate Sedey
December 11, 2017
Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Uncategorized
As some of you may recall, in April of 2017, the Seventh Circuit issued a HUGELY important decision, ruling that a federal anti-discrimination statute prohibits sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace. If you missed it or want to understand more fully how this decision helped create a workplace sexual orientation circuit split, take a look at our blog post on …
Kristin Case
November 2, 2017
Blog, Uncategorized
Those of us who represent employees know that Weinstein-esque sexual harassment happens all the time.
While Hollywood is wringing its hands over the more than 63 women who have alleged Harvey Weinstein raped, sexually assaulted or sexually harassed them those of us who practice employment civil rights were not surprised at all. (also, as an aside, can we stop calling it …
Becca Nesslar
September 19, 2017
Blog, Client Speak, Firm News, Uncategorized
We here at The Case Law Firm, LLC are committed to providing excellent care and expertise to all of our clients. Don’t just take our word for it! Here is a recent client review of our partner, Kate Sedey.
Kate Sedey is a highly professional and excellent lawyer!
5.0 stars
Posted by Eileen September 14, 2017
“Kate Sedey of the Case Law Firm knows her specialty area …
Kristin Case
April 11, 2017
Employee Rights, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Uncategorized
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals hands down a seminal ruling holding that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects LGBT employees from workplace discrimination.
I have long bemoaned the fact that federal law does not protect LGBT employees from discrimination. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act outlaws discrimination based on “sex” but courts have always interpreted that to refer …
Kristin Case
March 1, 2017
Recording workplace conversations will bring you nothing but heartache.
Many of the clients or potential clients with whom I speak tell me that they either have been or are currently surreptitiously recording workplace conversations. They are usually so excited when they tell me this because they assume the recording will be a smoking-gun piece of evidence to support their claims. I cringe every …
Kristin Case
January 4, 2017
Blog, Uncategorized
Cheers to More Employee Protections
Ok, we realize that not everyone gets as excited about employment law as we do. Nevertheless, there are eight new employments laws on the books that we think you should know about and which we think warrant some celebration.
Becca Nesslar
December 22, 2016
Client Speak, Firm News, Uncategorized
We here at The Case Law Firm, LLC are committed to providing excellent care and expertise to all of our clients. Don’t just take our word for it! Here is a recent client review of our partner, Kate Sedey.
“My company has been pushing out (hostile work environment) older employees (age discrimination), and I was not too optimistic about my situation, as others …
Kristin Case
December 7, 2016
Blog, Uncategorized
Office holiday parties cause hangovers and headaches for companies and employees.
Every year around this time employment lawyers start feeling anxious. No, it’s not the end of the year push or the rush to hit deadlines. It’s the dreaded office holiday parties.
Our friends on the other side of the bar who represent employers collectively shudder at the thought of …
Kristin Case
May 18, 2016
Blog, Employment Law, Overtime, Uncategorized
Doubling the overtime income threshold will make hundreds of thousands of new employees entitled to overtime pay.
Vice President, Joe Biden, says the “middle class is getting clobbered” and predicts the Department of Labor’s revised overtime regulations (which are expected to be signed today) should go a long way to fixing that.
Amending the Department of Labor’s overtime regulations has been on President Obama’s …