Kate Hillegass April 1, 2012 Firm Victories 0
Defeated Defendant Superior Air Ground Ambulance Service, Inc.’s Motion for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiff’s Title VII gender discrimination claim
Kate Hillegass March 1, 2012 Firm Victories 0
Defeated Defendant Berger Realty Group, LLC’s Motions for Summary Judgment and to Dismiss Plaintiff’s breach of fiduciary duty and fraudulent misrepresentation claims
Kate Hillegass January 8, 2012 Firm Victories 0
Obtained dismissal of former employer’s claims against employee for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and tortious interference with contract
Kate Hillegass June 1, 2011 Firm Victories 0
Obtained order granting sanctions against Defendant Reliance Relocation Services, Inc. for discovery abuse
Kate Hillegass March 1, 2011 Firm Victories 0
Defeated Defendant Sun Times’, Tribunes’ and Advocate Hospital’s Motions to Dismiss Plaintiffs’ invasion of privacy claims
Kate Hillegass December 2, 2010 Firm Victories, Sexual Harassment and Workplace Violence 0
Defeated City of Chicago’s Motion for Summary Judgment in Plaintiff’s Sexual Harassment Claim
Kate Hillegass December 2, 2010 Firm News, Firm Victories 0
Kristin Case of The Case Law Firm, LLC will be speaking at The 4th Annual American Bar Association Section of Labor & Employment Law Conference November 3-6, 2010 being held downtown Chicago.
The topic of discussion: Emerging Issues Raised by The Use of Social Networking
Kate Hillegass October 2, 2010 Firm News, Firm Victories 0
Kristin Case will be speaking about emotional distress damages at the American Bar Association’s Employee Rights and Responsibilities Committee’s Mid Winter Meeting in Puerto Rico, March 22-26, 2011.