Margaret De Fer
July 24, 2017
Blog, Employee Rights, Employment Law, Practical Tips, Workplace Defamation, Libel, Slander and Invasion of Privacy
An incident regarding Ivy League students behaving poorly on social media serves as a cautionary tale for employees about the limits of off duty privacy.
Last month, multiple news outlets reported that Harvard revoked the acceptances of ten incoming students after they posted offensive comments on social media. This is a reminder that oftentimes we do not have the rights to off …
Margaret De Fer
June 2, 2017
Blog, Family Medical Leave Act Discrimination, Parental Leave, Sick Leave
A Problematic Start with Good Intentions
While many are against some of the cuts that President Trump introduced last week in his budget proposal, others are enthusiastic about the included paid parental leave plan. Trump’s paid parental leave plan gained him supporters during his campaign. However, prior to his budget proposal last week, the plan remained a mystery. Even though Trump’s plan will …
Kristin Case
May 4, 2017
Blog, Overtime, Vacation
Some say the Working Families Flexibility Act benefits employees while others worry employers will use it to cheat employees out of wages.
This week the House of Representatives passed the Working Families Flexibility Act which would amend the FLSA’s overtime regulations and give employers the option of offering employees comp time instead of overtime.
The Act would allow employers to offer employees comp time (more vacation time) …
Kristin Case
April 11, 2017
Employee Rights, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Uncategorized
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals hands down a seminal ruling holding that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects LGBT employees from workplace discrimination.
I have long bemoaned the fact that federal law does not protect LGBT employees from discrimination. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act outlaws discrimination based on “sex” but courts have always interpreted that to refer …
Kate Sedey
January 31, 2017
Blog, Employee Benefits
The annual Open Enrollment period for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) ends TODAY, January 31. This may be your last chance to protect yourself from the possibility of future discrimination by insurers based on preexisting conditions.
There is every reason to believe that the ACA will be repealed or, at a minimum, thoroughly stripped of important protections in …
Kendra Kutko
November 28, 2016
Blog, Employee Rights, Legislative Advocacy
Illinois Employees’ Social Media Privacy Protections Expand in the New Year
Company Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media pages have become the new norm. And having employees actively participate on those employer-created pages can be a very effective marketing platform. Active social media pages help to broadcast the employer’s brand and showcase a strong community culture to prospective clients and …
Becca Nesslar
October 13, 2016
Disability Discrimination and Failure to Accommodate, Employment Law, Workplace Discrimination
Dollar General Stores learn a hard lesson about the cost of failing to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
On September 16, 2016, a federal jury awarded a teenage ex-employee of the chain, Dollar General Stores, more than $277,566.00 in back pay and compensatory damages for her former employer’s violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The teenager was a cashier who was an …
Kendra Kutko
October 12, 2016
Blog, Employment Law, Non-Compete Agreements and Restrictive Covenants
Illinois Freedom to Work Act Bans Non-Competes for Low-Wage Earners
Illinois lawmakers are on a roll with expanding employee rights. On the heels of enacting several important laws for employees in the past few months, including the Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights Act and the Child Bereavement Leave Act, our State has continued this positive trend, this time with …
Kendra Kutko
September 19, 2016
Blog, Employee Pay and Compensation, Gender Discrimination
Newly Proposed Congressional Bill Targets Wage Gap
Just after returning from summer recess, Congress is off to a promising start with exciting proposed legislation for employees. On September 15, 2016, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, democratic delegate from the District of Columbia, introduced the Pay Equity for All Act of 2016 (H.R. 6030). The Bill aims to narrow the wage gap for …
Kendra Kutko
August 29, 2016
Blog, Employee Rights, Legislative Advocacy
Illinois Passes Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights Act
As Summer nears its close, we celebrate another advancement for Illinois employees. Notably, on August 12, 2016, Illinois passed the Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights Act. This new law gives employment rights to nannies, housekeepers, caretakers, and other domestic workers. This Act comes just weeks after Illinois adopted the Child Bereavement Leave Act. Hence, our home …