Kate Sedey
June 2, 2015
Blog, Workplace Discrimination
Part 3: How coworkers can serve as allies to transgender counterparts
For the final installment in this three part series, we wanted to focus on how coworkers and others in the workplace can serve as allies to their transgender counterparts. The following are some tips on how to address these issues in the workplace to foster a safe and inclusive working environment.
Use …
Kate Sedey
November 7, 2013
Blog, Legislative Advocacy, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Workplace Discrimination
Debate Ended on Employment Non-Discrimination Act; Time for a Vote!
On Monday, the U.S. Senate voted 61-30 to end debate on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (a bill which would prohibit workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity) and bring it up for a vote. The full Senate is expected to consider the bill today for the first time since …