Kate Sedey January 31, 2017 Blog, Employee Benefits 0
The annual Open Enrollment period for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) ends TODAY, January 31. This may be your last chance to protect yourself from the possibility of future discrimination by insurers based on preexisting conditions.
There is every reason to believe that the ACA will be repealed or, at a minimum, thoroughly stripped of important protections in …
Kate Sedey November 11, 2010 Blog, Employee Benefits 0
Having trouble getting private health insurance because of a pre-existing condition? You’re certainly not alone. It is estimated that 15.9 percent of Americans are uninsured, many for precisely the same reason. While President Obama’s health care legislation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, explicitly prohibits denying an individual health insurance because of pre-existing conditions or a history of high …
Kristin Case July 7, 2010 Blog, Employee Benefits, Employment Law 0
July 1, 2010 Marks a Day of Hope for Uninsured Americans with Preexisting Medical Conditions
Under the national health care reform bill signed into law by President Obama earlier this year, insurance companies will no longer be allowed to refuse to sell health insurance coverage or refuse to renew health insurance coverage because of an individual’s preexisting medical condition. However, this …
Kristin Case June 26, 2010 Blog, Employee Benefits, Employment Law 0
What Employees Need to Know
The Baseline: Employee Rights Under COBRA, Generally
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (“COBRA”) requires employers with 20 or more employees who offer health benefits to provide continued coverage to “qualified beneficiaries” for up to 18 months after a “qualifying event;” however, the employee must pay the entire premium. A “qualified beneficiary” is an individual …