Kendra Kutko
August 10, 2016
Bereavement Leave, Blog, Employment Law
Illinois Expands Leave Protections for Employees
We are pleased to report that on Friday, July 29, 2016, Illinois enacted the Child Bereavement Leave Act, which took immediate effect as new law, expanding leave protections for Illinois employees by allowing qualifying employees to elect ten days of unpaid bereavement leave upon suffering the death of a child.
This law is a major stride forward …
Kate Sedey
June 29, 2016
Blog, Practical Tips, Sick Leave
An Employee’s Guide to Chicago’s New Paid Sick Leave Ordinance
We are thrilled to report that Chicago has joined the growing ranks of local governments ensuring paid sick leave for local employees! This is a huge victory for single parents and low wage workers who, prior to this ordinance, were regularly faced with the awful risk of losing pay or, worse …
Kristin Case
May 18, 2016
Blog, Employment Law, Overtime, Uncategorized
Doubling the overtime income threshold will make hundreds of thousands of new employees entitled to overtime pay.
Vice President, Joe Biden, says the “middle class is getting clobbered” and predicts the Department of Labor’s revised overtime regulations (which are expected to be signed today) should go a long way to fixing that.
Amending the Department of Labor’s overtime regulations has been on President Obama’s …
Kate Sedey
May 3, 2016
Blog, Employment Law, Parental Leave, Sick Leave
A Mother’s Day Shout Out in Celebration of the Parent Friendly Workplace!
There is a whole lot to say about the shortcomings of American workplace policies and laws as they apply to working parents and, particularly, working mothers. And from time to time, we join the chorus in calling out those problems. But today, with Mother’s Day around the corner, we at CLF …
Kendra Kutko
April 4, 2016
Blog, Legislative Advocacy, Sick Leave
City Task Force Recommends that Chicago Employers Adopt 5 Days of Paid Sick Leave Annually
Last February 2015, 82 percent of Chicago voters supported a non-binding city referendum to adopt paid sick leave for workers. After this, the City formed a task force, called the Working Families Task Force, consisting of 27 members representing business, government, and employee advocacy interests to …
Kendra Kutko
February 22, 2016
Blog, Employee Pay and Compensation, Workplace Defamation, Libel, Slander and Invasion of Privacy
On January 29, 2016, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) announced a major proposed regulation change that would increase pay transparency for employers with 100 or more employees and help fight pay inequities based on a person’s protected status.
The EEOC is the government agency responsible for enforcing the federal anti-discrimination laws, including the laws that prohibit discrimination based on …
Kate Sedey
February 11, 2016
Internal Complaints, Practical Tips
Making a formal internal complaint of inappropriate conduct in the workplace can be a scary proposition. So many employees are worried about whether they will be taken seriously, whether they’ll be perceived as a whiner or overly-sensitive, and – perhaps most scary of all – whether they will be retaliated against or pushed out of the workplace for taking a …
Kendra Kutko
February 1, 2016
Blog, Employee Pay and Compensation, Workplace Discrimination
With new generations emerging in the workforce, shifts in corporate thinking have begun to occur that have many talking. One of those shifts is toward the adoption of greater transparency between management and employees. The thinking about transparency has started to change in one particularly controversial area: employee salaries.
Most companies treat compensation information as one of the most strictly protected, …
Kendra Kutko
January 12, 2016
Blog, Employee Benefits, Parental Leave
Tech Companies Led the Way Expanding Paid Parental Leave Policies in 2015
Other Employers Should Now Follow
The tech industry is famous for setting trends in providing innovative perks and benefits to employees. In the second half of 2015, this pioneering spirit continued for the tech industry as a craze began among highly visible companies to expand their paid parental leave policies.
Although …
Kendra Kutko
December 1, 2015
Blog, Gender Discrimination, Hiring Practices, Workplace Discrimination
Study Finds that Older Women Face More Discrimination than Older Men
A lot has been written lately about women’s continued struggle for equal pay and opportunities in the workplace. Nothing about those struggles is surprising. However, a recent study shows that as women age in the workforce, things become worse for them. Not only are they experiencing gender discrimination, but age …