Kristin Case
May 4, 2017
Blog, Overtime, Vacation
Some say the Working Families Flexibility Act benefits employees while others worry employers will use it to cheat employees out of wages.
This week the House of Representatives passed the Working Families Flexibility Act which would amend the FLSA’s overtime regulations and give employers the option of offering employees comp time instead of overtime.
The Act would allow employers to offer employees comp time (more vacation time) …
Kristin Case
May 18, 2016
Blog, Employment Law, Overtime, Uncategorized
Doubling the overtime income threshold will make hundreds of thousands of new employees entitled to overtime pay.
Vice President, Joe Biden, says the “middle class is getting clobbered” and predicts the Department of Labor’s revised overtime regulations (which are expected to be signed today) should go a long way to fixing that.
Amending the Department of Labor’s overtime regulations has been on President Obama’s …