Kristin Case May 11, 2015 Blog 0
A Primer for the Unemployed Part 3: Caring for Yourself While Unemployed
We get it: you lost your job and all you want to do is either lay in bed and watch Mad Men reruns or compulsively surf the internet for job postings. Neither of those options, however, is going to get you what you want: a job that makes you happy.
As employment lawyers, …
Kristin Case April 1, 2015 Blog, Firm News, Pregnancy Discrimination and Failure to Accommodate, Workplace Discrimination 0
A Supreme Court Victory for Pregnant Employees
We have been watching the case of Young v. UPS for some time now. UPS refused to provide its pregnant employees who had physically demanding jobs with light duty work. The Plaintiff in this case was a delivery driver and was required to lift up to 70 pounds. When she became pregnant, her doctor told …
Kristin Case March 9, 2015 Blog, Employee Pay and Compensation, Family Responsibility Discrimination, Gender Discrimination, Legislative Advocacy, Parental Leave, Pregnancy Discrimination and Failure to Accommodate, Sick Leave 0
Yesterday was International Women’s Day which was created to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality.
Women in the United States have a lot of achievements to celebrate–certainly more so than many other countries. That being said, the United States still has a ways to go with respect to women’s rights and that is most apparent in the employment …
Kristin Case February 16, 2015 Blog, Legislative Advocacy, Pregnancy Discrimination and Failure to Accommodate, Workplace Discrimination 0
On January 1, 2015, the new Illinois Pregnancy Accommodation Act went into effect and gives Illinois employees a wealth of fantastic protections.
It’s an important law and a hard-fought victory for the groups, including Women Employed, who lobbied for its passage. The Act, which amends the Illinois Human Rights Act, provides greater protections for pregnant women than the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act …
Kristin Case July 7, 2010 Blog, Employee Benefits, Employment Law 0
July 1, 2010 Marks a Day of Hope for Uninsured Americans with Preexisting Medical Conditions
Under the national health care reform bill signed into law by President Obama earlier this year, insurance companies will no longer be allowed to refuse to sell health insurance coverage or refuse to renew health insurance coverage because of an individual’s preexisting medical condition. However, this …
Kristin Case June 26, 2010 Blog, Employee Benefits, Employment Law 0
What Employees Need to Know
The Baseline: Employee Rights Under COBRA, Generally
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (“COBRA”) requires employers with 20 or more employees who offer health benefits to provide continued coverage to “qualified beneficiaries” for up to 18 months after a “qualifying event;” however, the employee must pay the entire premium. A “qualified beneficiary” is an individual …
Kristin Case April 8, 2010 Blog, Legislative Advocacy, Sexual Orientation Discrimination 0
Tell your U.S. representative to help pass ENDA now!
Imagine getting fired. Not because you aren’t good at your job. Not because you show up late or slack off.
Imagine getting fired solely because you’re lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. In most states that is fully legal.
We are pushing for a vote on the bill that would end this injustice soon after …