Kate Sedey September 15, 2016 Blog, Disability Discrimination and Failure to Accommodate 0
Under What Circumstances are Job-Related Medical Inquiries Allowed
We’ve all been hearing a lot this campaign season about the relative health conditions of the candidates for President of the United States. We have been privy to letters from doctors attesting to the well-being of both candidates as well as significant commentary about whether those letters are true and accurate. Everyone, from …
Kate Sedey August 4, 2016 Blog, Sexual Harassment and Workplace Violence 0
There has been a lot of buzz over the last week about recent reactions to the sexual harassment suit which Gretchen Carlson filed against Fox News and its former chairman, Roger Ailes. In case you missed it, a quick recap: Ms. Carlson filed a lawsuit against Fox and Ailes alleging that Ailes sexually harassed her in the newsroom, including “ogling” …
Kate Sedey July 25, 2016 Blog, Tenure Discrimination 0
Professors alleging tenure discrimination face uphill battle.
Lately that the firm has seen a big increase in academic clients claiming tenure discrimination. And as a result, I’ve spent a lot of time looking at how courts apply state and federal anti-discrimination statutes to academic employers. There is a frustrating but very obvious trend of courts giving colleges and universities wide …
Kate Sedey June 30, 2016 Blog 0
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, also called arthrogryposis or AMC, is a congenital condition in which joints may be curved, stiff, and contracted throughout the body. It can significantly limit range of motion and mobility and can result in serious respiratory issues where the spine is implicated leading to underdeveloped lungs and abdominal muscles.
Today the Case Law Firm is wearing blue as …
Kate Sedey June 29, 2016 Blog, Practical Tips, Sick Leave 0
An Employee’s Guide to Chicago’s New Paid Sick Leave Ordinance
We are thrilled to report that Chicago has joined the growing ranks of local governments ensuring paid sick leave for local employees! This is a huge victory for single parents and low wage workers who, prior to this ordinance, were regularly faced with the awful risk of losing pay or, worse …
Kate Sedey June 3, 2016 Blog, Practical Tips 0
Best Practices for Gathering Evidence in Support of Employment Claims
Kate Sedey May 3, 2016 Blog, Employment Law, Parental Leave, Sick Leave 0
A Mother’s Day Shout Out in Celebration of the Parent Friendly Workplace!
There is a whole lot to say about the shortcomings of American workplace policies and laws as they apply to working parents and, particularly, working mothers. And from time to time, we join the chorus in calling out those problems. But today, with Mother’s Day around the corner, we at CLF …
Kate Sedey March 7, 2016 Blog, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Workplace Discrimination 0
Argues Sexual Orientation Discrimination Prohibited by Title VII
Last week, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) took a big step forward in protecting employees from sexual orientation discrimination and harassment in the workplace. In U.S. EEOC v. Scott Medical Health Center, P.C. and U.S. EEOC v. IFCO Systems North America, two cases filed last week in Pennsylvania and Maryland respectively, the …
Kate Sedey February 11, 2016 Internal Complaints, Practical Tips 0
Making a formal internal complaint of inappropriate conduct in the workplace can be a scary proposition. So many employees are worried about whether they will be taken seriously, whether they’ll be perceived as a whiner or overly-sensitive, and – perhaps most scary of all – whether they will be retaliated against or pushed out of the workplace for taking a …
Kate Sedey January 19, 2016 Uncategorized 0
We are proud to announce that Kendra Kutko has begun her three year term as a Board Member of the Illinois Chapter of the National Employment Lawyers Association. For more information on the organization or the work that Kendra will be doing, click here.