Kate Sedey September 15, 2016 Blog, Disability Discrimination and Failure to Accommodate 0
Under What Circumstances are Job-Related Medical Inquiries Allowed
We’ve all been hearing a lot this campaign season about the relative health conditions of the candidates for President of the United States. We have been privy to letters from doctors attesting to the well-being of both candidates as well as significant commentary about whether those letters are true and accurate. Everyone, from …
Kate Sedey June 30, 2016 Blog 0
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, also called arthrogryposis or AMC, is a congenital condition in which joints may be curved, stiff, and contracted throughout the body. It can significantly limit range of motion and mobility and can result in serious respiratory issues where the spine is implicated leading to underdeveloped lungs and abdominal muscles.
Today the Case Law Firm is wearing blue as …